12 Predictions For "Upcoming" Sequels Ever Being Made

7. Tomb Raider 2

Tomb Raider Alicia Vikander
Warner Bros.

Though this past spring's Alicia Vikander-starring Tomb Raider adaptation wasn't a critical or commercial smash, it scored mixed-ish reviews - not bad for a video game movie - and grossed more than 2.5x its production budget.

With its decent box office performance and sensibly lower budget than most glossy video game films, a sequel was ripe for the making. The end of the first film set it up perfectly, and Vikander expressed a strong desire to return to the iconic role.

Current Status: Warner Bros. was reportedly disheartened by the movie's domestic gross, making barely 20% of its entire take in North America. Moreover, just two weeks after the film hit cinemas, reports emerged that the studio wasn't happy with Vikander's performance and would not pursue a sequel with her attached.

How Likely Is It?: The studio's response to the film most likely means we're due another Tomb Raider reboot movie a few years from now, unless Warner Bros. makes the unlikely and ill-advised call to just recast Lara for the sequel. The Vikander sequel as planned, though? Dead. 2/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.