12 Predictions For Marvel's Mystery Phase 3 Movies In 2020

2. Avengers Disassembled

Avengers Disassembled
Marvel Comics

Back when Phase 3 was announced, there was some talk that Marvel were eyeing up a winding up date of 2020, with the two part Infinity War event marking the end of the phased approach to comic book movies. That was widely brushed off as inconceivable: after all, why would they abandon a model so early after so much success and with the "thousands" of adaptable properties Kevin Feige was getting so excited about?

That might not actually be the silliest idea, considering the state of play in 2019. The cast of actors will be ageing, audiences might well be sick of a franchise that has expanded to 23 films in just 11 years and anything expected will be the worst idea for breaking through any cynicism.

Disassembled would also allow for an amalgamation of the House Of M storyline to give Scarlet Witch her big moment to breakdown and shine (Elizabeth Olsen has already said she wants that), and it would be shocking enough to be a palate cleanse for a real new MCU.


If Phase 3 manages to perform as financially well as Phase 2 (and there's not much reason to suspect it wont), Marvel surely won't wind up the MCU, BUT by the start of Phase 4 they may need to do a hard reset.

That could mean that Infinity War kills off or retires the first 2 phases of actors, leaving the way open for a whole new Avengers team and off-shoots, and Disassembled would be a good full-stop.

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Iron Man 4 MCU
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