12 Predictions For Marvel's Mystery Phase 3 Movies In 2020

11. Blade

Blade Marvel Wesley Snipes

How do you add vampires to the MCU? Well, the same way you add talking trees, robo-Jesuses and sorcerors: you stop worrying that people will care about realism. Marvel have the rights to Blade, and they need to do something with them.

The big rumour for this one was that Marvel would seek to replace Blade with his daughter (and possibly relegate him to the supporting Whistler type role) and make it effectively a Blade Legacy style movie. That would push the painfully low number of female leads up at least.


Well, Wesley Snipes seems keen to talk about it whenever he's interviewed, despite limited noises from within Marvel. They do own the rights, and it seems pretty coincidental that some mystery movies would be announced just a couple of months after the news of revived interest in the property first appeared.

The Blade daughter rumour is a nice idea, but is it really likely that Snipes would agree to sharing focus when he was so infamously unhappy with having to do the same thing on Blade: Trinity? Maybe he's mellowed with age.

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Iron Man 4 MCU
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