12 Questions You Should Be Asking About Upcoming Movies

6. How Much Horror Is Involved? - Aquaman

Aquaman Jason Momoa
Warner Bros

When James Wan was hired for Aquaman, we were told that he'd be bringing all of his experience as a horror film maker to the film. Since then, the DCEU plates have slipped and we're in an entirely different chapter of the franchise and it really doesn't look like Aquaman is even remotely dark enough to work with horror elements.

Whether anyone at Warner Bros acknowledges a conscious change of direction in that respect remains to be seen, but it seems unlikely it's going to be a dark movie. Having said that, though, Wan still continues to talk about his horror experiences playing into the film and specifically talks about the Trench scenes giving him a chance to show off his horror skills.

So will that be the only sequence that allows him to? Or might there be further opportunity for him to put his genre experience to good use? And how will that go down with a studio consciously trying to make things lighter and more Marvel-like?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.