12 R-Rated Comic Book Movies We Need To See After Logan & Deadpool

3. Thunderbolts

Thunderbolts Civil War
Marvel Comics

In the wake of Suicide Squad's financial successes (which at least proved that there is an appetite for bad guy ensembles even when they're critically destroyed), it wouldn't be the most surprising development if Marvel introduced a Thunderbolts project to add another string to their bow.

The correct way to do so would be to completely contrast with the wholesome (though still complex, don't get it twisted) Avengers and really go hard on the idea of a world defined as much by mischief and villainy as the MCU is by virtue and moral integrity. And that could only really be achieved well with the most adult of ratings.

The Likelihood

Absolutely zero, in terms of the R-Rating at least. Marvel might go with a villain-led team (actually, around Infinity Wars would have been the right time to run with it), but they won't make it as bloody, sweary or outrageous as it really needs to be to do the source material justice.

It'll probably still be good, but it won't be as great as unleashing the villains completely.

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The Batman
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