12 R-Rated Comic Book Movies We Need To See After Logan & Deadpool

2. X-Force

Deadpool Uncanny X Force

We already know that there's an X-Force movie coming - as it has been since it was first announced in 2013 - but its rating hasn't been as concretely announced yet, even with Simon Kinberg suggesting it would likely be more like Deadpool than the X-Men.

Hopefully, the film will focus on Wolverine, Deadpool and Cable as the core along with Psylocke, Domino and maybe the likes of Archangel, Deathlok and Bishop, assuming we can get around the timeline issues Fox have thus far proved delightfully cavalier about. And hopefully, they will go full R-Rated to give the black ops mutant team the right Colonial Marine-like attitude.

The Likelihood

Probably the highest of all the possible Marvel projects that could go into production, actually, because it's already on its way, and it's definitely going to have Deadpool in it.

Let's just hope that nothing gets in its way before then.

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