12 R-Rated Comic Book Movies We Need To See After Logan & Deadpool

1. The Batman

R Rated Batman
Warner Bros.

Sooner or later, the final death rattle of the camp image of Batman has to die with a real blood and guts Batman movie. It doesn't require him to kill people, but it needs to be as bone-crunchingly brutal a film as Logan, with roots in a seminal comic book arc.

In an ideal world, it would be one of two things: either a The Raid-style hyper-violent Arkham Asylum movie with Batman hunted by his Rogue's Gallery, or it would be an adaptation of The Killing Joke with Jared Leto's Joker.

Now, calm down, it actually makes sense. One of the chief issues with Suicide Squad was that Jared Leto's performance as the Joker didn't make a great deal of sense. It stuck out, he was oddly restrained (in action) for such a wild characterisation and he was a little toothless.

But give him The Killing Joke to play with (and slightly more focused direction) and he'd be spell-binding.

The Likelihood

The R-Rating might come too soon for the first Batman stand-alone in this universe, and while it would be a shame, it would make sense for Warner Bros as a merchandising company. They've obviously had issues in the past with not selling toys (Batman Returns, predominantly), and though it's a different studio now, they aren't going to ignore that lucrative market to satisfy a demographic who will spend less linked dollars around the movie.

But then maybe someone at Warner Bros is still pulling for Jared Leto's Joker, and we might get his own movie without Batman as the main character, which would be a hell of a way to spin The Killing Joke: removing the hero and dialling up the fear factor.

Which R-Rated comic book movie would you most like to see? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

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The Batman
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