12 Really Stupid Decisions In Comic Book Movie History

1. The Whole Gamora Issue - Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War Star Lord Thanos
Marvel Studios

In the wake of Infinity War's release, Peter Quill took a lot of heat. Despite the emotional turmoil of finding out his true love had been killed (not so long after his mother-murdering father and his real daddy were killed), nobody seemed capable of giving him a break when he punched Thanos.

It didn't matter the context - or the fact that Doctor Strange could have stopped Thanos before this point in multiple ways but actively chose not to - because Star-Lord breaking Mantis' hold on him was too much of a crime. In short, Quill was responsible for the snap.

But hang on, is he even the one to blame here?

What about Mantis and Nebula telling Star-Lord about Nebula's death in not so many words? Why did neither of them foresee the fact that he would be emotionally unstable (Mantis in particular since she READS EMOTIONS) if he found out that she was even remotely in danger?

Why not just wait until after the Gauntlet is off Thanos? It was literally about to come off! Idiots.


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