12 Reasons Movies Were Better When You Were Younger

9. You Never Watched Them On Small Screens

The marvel of modern technology allows film buffs to watch movies on their phones and tablets via Netflix and other services, at once creating greater access to cinema and making that dreary commute a little less boring. One has to wonder what Melies, Welles, Kubrick and so on would have made of this revolution, though: after all, were any movies ever conceived to be viewed on such small screens? There's certainly an argument to be made that watching an epic blockbuster movie on a phone is a total disservice to the ludicrous number of man-hours put into creating the product, that you won't be able to notice the small details and eccentricities that make the movie what it is. Further to the earlier point about Netflix making cinema more disposable, this is compounded by the convenience of being able to load it up on your phone or tablet when you have a spare 20 or 30 minutes: watching a movie in several chunks over the course of your commute to and from work simply isn't how movies were intended to be watched. Compare this to back in the day, whereby you saw movies either on a cinema screen or on your home TV (which, unless you were really unlucky, was a lot bigger than a phone or tablet screen), and the wonder was considerably more preserved. Nowadays, the ubiquity of access has only further de-mystified and de-romanticised sitting down to watch a film.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.