12 Recent Trailers That Massively Outshone Their Movies
4. Brightburn
What if Superman was a psychopath?
When the first trailer for Brightburn debuted, it looked like it was firing on all the right cylinders. The trailer leaned into an almost parody of the Man of Steel aesthetic before gaining momentum and suggesting threads of genuinely terrifying horror and slasher elements. Thinking about all of Superman's powers being used to stalk and hunt people down is a downright scary thought.
Coupled with the idea of a young Clark Kent dealing with puberty, dating, and school bullies, one has to agree that there are ingredients on the table that would make one hell of a film.
We were sold on the idea of a young Superman terrorizing his hometown because he wanted to and no one could stop him. The film instead tries to suggest that he can't control his impulses by way of the spacecraft he landed on. Brandon Breyer's shift from sweet son to demonic serial killer is so rapid it barely gives us time to establish his overall character.
Had the film been about a troubled kid getting whatever he wanted because he could, and his parents trying to deal with it, it would have been a perfect film.