12 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Lost To Complete Fools

10. Bruce The Shark

The Hero: Chief Brody & Co

Bruce The Shark is probably the single greatest movie monster of all time. Regardless of the claims of Godzilla, or Mothra or Naked Hottub Kathy Bates, the sea-dwelling killing machine remains pick of the bunch for me, even considering the ridiculous sequels which introduced inferior, even more plastic looking replacements.

He was a tangible threat, and made me reconsider getting into bathtubs if I couldn't quite see the bottom for my bubbles - that is the effect he had. He even managed to sink an entire boat, kill its occupant, and then leave him inside the hull of the boat to pop out and scare anyone who happened to be inspecting the wreck for signs of foul play. That takes some serious skill, and the kind of maniacal genius one would traditionally see in a Bond villain.

And yet, apparently, the might of the most notorious killer in all of the ocean wasn't enough to take on a boozy, partially washed up small time police chief, a boozy, washed up and probably entirely insane sea captain and a boozy sea-nerd. Together the rag-tag bunch of survivors (or two of them anyway) manage to kill the greatest monster in Hollywood history, despite the fact that Bruce clearly had it in his power to sink and eat their boat twice over before breakfast.

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