12 Scariest Movie Moments Of 2017

7. X-24 Assaults The Farm - Logan

Logan X 24

Superhero movies aren't typically ripe for scary moments, but Logan sure had everyone's hairs standing up on end when Xander Rice's (Richard E. Grant) Wolverine clone, X-24, showed up at the Munsons' farm and murdered Charles Xavier as he laid in bed, before slaughtering the Munsons, a bunch of hicks and damn-near Logan himself.

It's a sequence that does a fantastic job portraying Hugh Jackman's intense physicality as a force for evil, re-imagined here as a Terminator-like assassin with all of the horror that it entails.

The shock value of Wolverine having to face his younger, fitter clone combined with the ruthless violence X-24 employs to dispatch anyone who gets in his way makes the farm massacre a white-knuckle nail-biter, and legitimately quite terrifying.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.