12 Scariest Movie Moments Of 2017

6. Every Time Barry Keoghan Is On Screen - The Killing Of A Sacred Deer

The Killing Of A Sacred Deer Barry Keoghan

Barry Keoghan became known to audiences worldwide this summer with his memorable performance as Georgie in Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk, the sweet teenage boy who ultimately gave his life for Queen and country.

However, in Yorgos Lanthimos' mesmerising black comedy, he gave an equally memorable performance from the other side of the spectrum, playing Martin, a teenager whose father dies during surgery performed by the film's protagonist, cardiologist Steven Murphy (Colin Farrell).

In order to "balance" the act of his father's death, Martin places a curse on Steven and his family, where one by one Steven's wife Anna (Nicole Kidman) and their two children will begin to succumb to a mysterious illness, eventually leading to their deaths.

Keoghan's off-kilter performance is sublimely creepy throughout the entire film, removed from the usual slimeball tics you expect, but rather relishing in the horror of quiet calm. Perhaps Keoghan's most memorable scene involves Anna begging him to stop the curse, as he dispassionately shovels spaghetti into his mouth and tells her there's nothing he can do.

It's brilliantly skin-crawling stuff, and shows you don't need a heap of money to scare the bajesus out of audiences.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.