12 Sci-Fi Movies That Got The Future SCARILY Right

3. The Truman Show - Turning The Mundane Into Reality TV

Face-Off Travolta Cage
Paramount Pictures

The idea of a long-running reality TV series focusing on the mundane, everyday aspects of life might have seemed far-fetched back in 1998, but The Truman Show now only serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of the format following the ominous rise of the Kardashians and their ilk, and how they managed to embed their talons into virtually every aspect of the entertainment industry.

Many thought that the reality TV boom at the turn of the millennium would quickly burn out, but here we are two decades later and the genre is still everywhere you look, with even the most trivial of hobbies or pastimes now the subjects of shows that have run for years.

The Truman Show even features the behind-the-scenes TruTalk, which mirrors the after-shows that have become commonplace for many of TV's most popular shows, and that's without mentioning the sheer volume of reality TV that is obviously staged for entertainment purposes, mirroring the manipulation of Truman Burbank's entire existence in a quest for ratings success.


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