12 Sci-Fi Movies That Got The Future SCARILY Right
2. Minority Report - Personalised Ads
We've all had that overwhelmingly suspicious feeling after we've had a conversation with someone, done some browsing or even had a thought pop into our heads, only to see a series of ads related to that very subject suddenly appear the next time we go online.
Targeted advertising hasn't yet started scanning our retinas for information like it does in Minority Report, but plenty of big-name brands and companies are increasingly using analytics, data and algorithms to target individual users with ads or shopping recommendations.
Apps that have your credit card details can also offer a personalized experience based on your financial information, while the required fields that get filled out can also see marketing tailored directly to either your demographic or location. Tom Cruise ended up getting his eyeballs replaced so he could get away from it, but it looks like the constant advances in technology are only going to see the personal touch towards capitalism become even more laser-focused in the future.