12 Sci-Fi Movies That Got The Future SCARILY Right

4. WarGames - Cyber Warfare

Face-Off Travolta Cage
United Artists

The events of the enduringly popular WarGames have been generating debate ever since the movie was first released in 1983, with the United States introducing the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act just a year later. It might be a family-friendly sci-fi, but it still boasts some scarily accurate predictions about battles between nations happening behind computer screens.

At that time the very word 'cyber' instantly made people think of sci-fi rather than any sort of real-world applications, but now we're living in a world where global events are reportedly being manipulated on a massive scale by shifty figures operating in the shadows, and one where wars can be potentially fought and won without even a single soldier having to step onto the battlefield.

It surely can't be a coincidence that some of the world's most innovative developers grew up with an affinity for WarGames, including Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The internet didn't even exist when the movie was shooting, but yet the idea of cyber warfare only gets more and more relevant with each passing year.


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