12 Sci-Fi Movies That Got The Future SCARILY Right
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Take Your Pick, Really
As well as being one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made, Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey also ended up becoming one of the most prescient, and a lot of the futuristic technology and appliances that are featured in the movie have now become widely-accepted facets of everyday life.
It might be over half a century old at this point, but 2001 was bang on the money in a lot of ways, so much so that it can't be ruled out that notoriously meticulous perfectionist Kubrick knew all along that he was set to predict the future and wanted to make sure he got it as right as possible.
Tablet computers, personalized TV screens on flights, the use of robotics in outer space missions, video conferencing, the idea of commercial tourism heading off-planet, voice-activated companions controlling technology and even men landing on the moon were all seen on the big screen in 2001: A Space Odyssey before they ever happened in the real world, which has only gone to enhance the legend surrounding one of the genre's undisputed masterpieces.