12 Sci-Fis With Bafflingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores

7. What Happened To Monday - 57% Score

Mars Attacks Rotten Tomatoes

Netflix movies are a real hit or miss, and thankfully over the last couple of years they've finally been recognized by Hollywood as the underdogs of creativity in a sea of remakes, reboots, unnecessary sequels and spin-offs.

It's one of the reasons why many actors and directors seek out Netflix as the distributor for the firms; zero studio interference.

With that last point comes really interesting and unique ideas, and for the sci-fi thriller What Happened To Monday, a film overlooked by many should really hold a better score on Rotten Tomatoes. At just below 60%, it would be a fair score if there was nothing original about this film, but that's the point- it's shockingly original and leans into a splendid premise that Netflix should provide more of.

Noomi Rapace is seems to be constantly getting a rough deal; mainstream movies misuse her acting abilities, and when she's given free reign to do what she wants no one sees the films she's in. What Happened To Monday gives Noomi the chance to play seven different characters (though four genuinely unique ones) and display superb action heroine chops.

If nothing else, the movie is compelling and exciting and definitely worth a watch.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!