12 Sequels That Forgot The End Of The Last Movie

3. Back To The Future Part II

Back To The Future Ending
Universal Pictures

The Ending

In the infamous final moments of the original Back To The Future, Doc Brown comes back from the future in his newly flying Delorean and tells Marty he has to come with him to deal with something in the future.

Marty protests, saying his date with Jennifer in the new truck is way more important, only for Doc to interject with "well, bring her along, this concerns her too" and then when Marty asks if they turn out to be "assh*les" Doc reassures him that they both "turn out fine" before the famous "something's got to be done about your kids" line.

With that, they all go to the future.

But Then...

One of the first things that happens in the sequel is that Doc immediately goes back on his decision that Jennifer ought to be involved since it involves her too. Instead of allowing her to ask questions and participate, he simply neurolises her with his "sleep-inducing alpha-rhythm generator" and she passes out. So that's one detail - Jennifer's importance - conventiently forgotten, and it's not the only one.

What about Marty injuring his hand in a car crash and having to give up on his dream to work for a boss who hates him with a manipulative workmate who gets him fired from a job he hates qualifies as him "turning out fine"? He absolutely does not "turn out fine": Doc is a massive liar.

And stunningly, there was a chance to drop both of those lines when the ending was reshot with Elisabeth Shue replacing original Jennifer actress Claudia Wells.


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