12 Simple Fixes That Would Have Made Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Awesome

8. Settling On A Consistent Tone

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Chris Pratt
Universal & EW

This is a film that really doesn't know what it wants to be from a tonal perspective: it incorporates elements of genuine horror (though not enough), shameless B-movie schlock and even bursts of absurdist comedy, but doesn't really finesse these disparate strands into a coherent, consistent whole.

This is a movie where the Indoraptor literally smirks at the audience mere seconds before ripping a man's arm off and mauling him death. It is also a film where the hero, Owen (Chris Pratt), displays superhuman feats of athleticism like it's nothing - namely running away from the volcano's pyroclastic flow - as is completely at odds with the movie's desire for us to actually fear for the characters.

An earnest commitment to actual horror would be great as mentioned earlier, but because these movies are trying to appeal to the widest international audience possible, they would clearly prefer to play up the weightless, dumb action movie aspects and shove daft humour in the mix. You can't risk actually making audiences scared of dinosaurs again, after all...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.