12 Simple Fixes That Would Have Made Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Awesome

6. A Proper Role For Jeff Goldblum

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Jeff Goldblum Ian Malcolm

Jeff Goldblum reprises his iconic Ian Malcolm role for all of around two minutes in Fallen Kingdom, shooting a single Senate hearing scene which is then split in two and bookends the film in order to make his appearance seem just a little more substantial.

Now, nobody was actually expecting to see Goldblum running away from dinosaurs and the like - were they!? - but considering how heavily the marketing emphasised his presence and how aggressively he was featured during the movie's press tour, it's pretty damn disappointing that he's barely in the movie.

Expanding Goldblum's role would've been an easy way to improve the movie, either by giving him a few more scenes to protest the dinosaur rescue, or even have him show up at the Lockwood estate in act three (somehow).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.