12 Stupid Mistakes That Somehow Made It Into 2013 Movies

7. Wolverine Doesn't Know History - The Wolverine

We've already established that the latest Die Hard movie didn't have any grasp of geography, but that stupidity is nothing compared to the fundamental lack of historical knowledge shown by James Mangold's Wolverine. Fair enough, if the film had focused on some obscure Eastern historical events, and changed details in order to aid the plot, or for an increase in drama, that might have been easier to take, but it managed to get the details of one of the most profoundly important moments in Japanese history entirely wrong. The depiction of the bombing of Nagasaki ignores first that the bombing altitude above the island was 30,000 feet, which could be chalked down to the pursuit of a better shot, and secondly that the bomb denoted above Nagasaki at 1,500 feet, and not on the ground. Even a rudimentary knowledge of history would have cleared that up, or, like, a quick Google search.

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