12 Stupid Mistakes That Somehow Made It Into 2013 Movies

6. Healing Factor Fail - Iron Man 3

The wonderful thing about super-genetic serum that can heal damaged bodies and turn trained soldiers into relentless killing machines (with several screws rattling around in their brains) is that the serum can allow the body to regenerate any damaged tissue. This much is confirmed in the film, not only in Aldrich Killian's ability to heal the nerd out of him, but also in Brandt's ability to regrow her lost arm. Now, giving a villain an iconic hook is an understandable issue, and Shane Black clearly wanted Brandt to be immediately recognisable as an all round bad chick, so they left her facial scars as a visual reminder, which was in no way undermined by her terrible wig. But doesn't the presence of scar tissue bring the Extremis serum's prowess into question? Why would her body refuse to fix injured tissue, when Killian was able to cure his bad skin?

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