12 Things Marvel Will Want You To Forget About X-Men Movies
10. Apocalypse's Awful Horsemen
A big part of Apocalypse's plan is to choose four horsemen to join him. These four would be handpicked mutants imbued with heightened powers by the villain, standing by his side throughout his journey. In X-Men: Apocalypse, the horsemen Oscar Isaac's character selects are Storm, Psylocke, Angel, and Magnteo. Storm made some kind of sense, as she was the first mutant Apocalypse encountered after his resurrection, and Magneto was famous for his actions during Days of Future Past, making him a strong choice.
But what about Psylocke and Angel makes them so special that they are chosen above anyone else? When the former is recruited, she and Apocalypse are in the presence of Caliban, and mutant whose powers are literally to track down other mutants. Surely the titular villain could have manipulated Caliban and used him to find a Charles Xavier, a Wolverine, or a Jean Grey?
This was an opportunity to see some real impressive, heavy hitting mutants that would have genuinely threatened the X-Men. Instead, he chooses to stand with a drunken cage fighter with broken wings, and a bodyguard with a big sword.