12 Things That Must Happen In The Next Batman Film
4. Bye-Bye, Bat Voice
Christian Bale did a lot of good within his role as Batman. He is an extremely dedicated actor who takes everything super-seriously, even to the point where he will talk in an American accent in interviews, so as not to confuse us of the feeble-minded masses. Christopher Nolan seemed allergic to even hinting at things that were not feasible in the real world and Bale took this ball and ran with it, providing a Batman steeped in realism, for better or for worse. But if there is one thing that we will definitely not miss about Bales Batman, it is the utterly ridiculous and over-the-top Bat-voice. Yes, it made sense that Bruce Wayne and Batman would speak differently and that Batman would need to distance himself from his billionaire alter-ego, but the Bat-voice was just too much. It sounded like Batman was trying to choke down a marble wrapped in barbed-wire each and every time he spoke and its a wonder that more criminals did not stop and ask him to repeat himself because they couldnt understand a single word that the crazy guy in the fetish suit was yelling at them. Throw the distinction of Tom Hardys choice for the voice of Bane into the mix and you had a recipe for disaster; one man growling like an animal and also dressed like one while the other sounds like hes put his head underwater and is trying to tell you that he will break you. We simply dont need something like the Bat-voice in the Batfleck universe. Batman can still remain a separate identity from Bruce Wayne by changing his voice, but it does not need to be so cheesy and sound like he smokes cigarettes dipped in paint thinner. The Batfleck twist on Batmans voice is already present in the Dawn of Justice trailer and it sounds infinitely better than what Bale produced. It baffles me to imagine someone as focused as Nolan allowing that Bat-voice to grow into the monstrosity that it was. Do not hand that man a Mogwai.