12 Things That Must Happen In The Next Batman Film

3. Batman vs Everybody Else

Batman is notoriously paranoid. He has a contingency plan for each and every possible scenario, related to both friend and foe. A firm advocate of DTA (Don€™t Trust Anyone), Batman is always attuned to the Nirvana lyrics €˜just because you€™re paranoid, doesn€™t mean they€™re not after you€™ and for good reason, considering that he€™s a billionaire with no superpowers taking the fight to a guy that can bench-press a tank and make it look easy. With the introduction of a being like Superman, Bruce Wayne may not be spending millions on alfoil hats to ensure that the alien god cannot hear our thoughts, but he is prepared to splash down a ton of dosh on a Dark Knight Returns influenced battle-suit in order to see if the Man of Steel can bleed. If this is Batfleck€™s answer to a super-powered being like Kal-El, what would his response to other powered heroes and villains be? It does not have to be the focal point of an entire film (although an adaptation of Tower of Babel, in which Ra€™s al Ghul uses the information to his advantage, turning the team against Batman, would be awesome and definitely work as the plot of a Justice League movie) but Batfleck needs to show that he does not fully trust the others when it comes to the inevitable team-up to end them all. Have Batfleck cultivate a contingency plan for each of his new buddies, such as a bag of marbles for The Flash and a sun-lamp for Aquaman, highlighting an important aspect of the character and potentially building to a clash with them later on.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.