12 Things That Must Happen In The Next Batman Film

11. No Love Interest

Although he€™s arguably one of the most realistic heroes, just like with any other superhero property, a certain degree of suspension of disbelief is necessary in order to truly let Batman€™s awesomeness sink in. There are some things that just require you to think, €˜Well, I guess I am watching a billionaire dressed as a bat beating on people, so spinal surgery via being hung up by a rope in a prison-pit is sort of plausible€™. But if there€™s one thing that truly makes you question what you are witnessing, it€™s that a billionaire who looks like Christian Bale is actively pursuing Maggie Gyllenhaal. I€™m sure Maggie is a very nice lady and can cook a mean casserole but, really? Christopher Nolan may not be the most comfortable director tasked with tackling a love story but the character of Rachel Dawes and her subsequent love tragedy with Bruce Wayne felt forced and awkward more often than not. Look at the history of Batman films; every single one of them feature a love interest. In terms of believability, Nicole Kidman, Anne Hathaway, Kim Basinger and Marion Cottilard? Sure. Elle Macpherson? Well, does the pope sh*t in the woods? However, one can argue that all of those characters, save for Selina Kyle and Tahlia al Ghul, were unnecessary to the plot. In fact, they were more of a hindrance. Case in point; there€™s no way that Batman, of all characters, would stop being Batman because he missed the smell of Katie Holmes€™ perfume on his panda-skin pillows. Don€™t get it twisted, I€™m an advocate for strong, female roles in any medium and a proud father of an amazing daughter but Batman simply does not need a love interest. Keep this Batman cold and distant, like Antarctica, because people don€™t go to see a Batman film for its depiction of love. There can be physical attraction and rooftop flirting but Batman doesn€™t do backrubs and picnics.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.