12 Things That Must Happen In The Next Batman Film

10. An Ass-Kicking Alfred

Gotham is a guilty pleasure of a television series, the equivalent of downing a tub of ice-cream, loving every minute of it and then staring at yourself in the mirror and demanding to know why your love handles have wheelchair access. But if there€™s one thing that Gotham has provided with great success that no other live-action Batman property has, it is an Alfred who is just as likely to offer you a snack as he is to smack you upside your head. Yes, Gotham Alfred is younger due to its time-frame, but that does not mean that this depiction of the battling butler has to disappear anytime soon. Jeremy Irons is set to take on the role of Alfred in Dawn of Justice and, if he survives that, will likely remain Alfred in the Batfleck franchise. He is the voice of reason to a very peeved Bruce, stressing that the feeling of powerlessness created by Superman will turn good men (like Bruce) cruel and that Superman is not the enemy. It€™s a little hard to tell if he will truly have a harder edge than previous Alfred€™s but he is already younger, rougher and does not punctuate each word that escapes his mouth. Maintaining the notion that Alfred was previously special operations or has had military background, is willing to do dirt rather than just dust it and, just like Sean Pertwee€™s Alfred in Gotham, can take a stabbing in stride like Tupac Shakur will create a refreshing, ass-kicking Alfred that will do more than offer awesome advice about rubies the size of tangerines.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.