12 Things That Must Happen In The Next Batman Film
6. Making A Good Man Cruel
Theres no denying that Batman is a force for good in a world of evil, but there is also something undeniably menacing about the character which allows him to resonate with more sadistic members of the audience. This is a man who cannot simply flick you with a super powered finger for a quick, almost merciful K.O. He does not have the luxury of incapacitating superpowers and absolutely has to pummel you into submission, snapping bones like a teenagers bed sheets. He has all the qualities of an anti-hero yet seems to escape this definition more often than not, despite the fact that he is dressed like a flying rat and uses fear tactics that result in grown men appropriately wetting themselves. Weve seen a smiling Batman in the cinema, a growling Batman and a pouting Batman (Val Kilmer innovated the duck-face whilst wearing the bat-suit) but we are yet to see a cruel Batman. The type of Batman who scares child and criminal alike, truly creating fear in the hearts of the superstitious and worthy of the label of a myth. With the Dawn of Justice trailer, its apparent that we are going to get just that. He is a vigilante who literally brands criminals like cows, causing them to scream in absolute horror when he gets them within his grasp. This is a Batman unlike any other, a cruel man who is unfeeling and cannot contain his anger. DC have taken a turn to the dark-side, in tone and visuals (try as hard as you might to claim that Man of Steel was not a dark film, but it ended with Superman snapping someones neck and had the colour palette of Schindlers List) and it is Batman who will be most comfortable in this bold, new world. Make this man a cold, calculating and cruel bastard and you will make him that much more intimidating and believable in a bout against a super-powered foe. Batmans always been a hard man and its time to embrace this facet of the character with open arms.