12 Things That Must Happen In The Next Batman Film

6. Making A Good Man Cruel

There€™s no denying that Batman is a force for good in a world of evil, but there is also something undeniably menacing about the character which allows him to resonate with more sadistic members of the audience. This is a man who cannot simply flick you with a super powered finger for a quick, almost merciful K.O. He does not have the luxury of incapacitating superpowers and absolutely has to pummel you into submission, snapping bones like a teenager€™s bed sheets. He has all the qualities of an anti-hero yet seems to escape this definition more often than not, despite the fact that he is dressed like a flying rat and uses fear tactics that result in grown men appropriately wetting themselves. We€™ve seen a smiling Batman in the cinema, a growling Batman and a pouting Batman (Val Kilmer innovated the duck-face whilst wearing the bat-suit) but we are yet to see a cruel Batman. The type of Batman who scares child and criminal alike, truly creating fear in the hearts of the superstitious and worthy of the label of a €˜myth€™. With the Dawn of Justice trailer, it€™s apparent that we are going to get just that. He is a vigilante who literally brands criminals like cows, causing them to scream in absolute horror when he gets them within his grasp. This is a Batman unlike any other, a cruel man who is unfeeling and cannot contain his anger. DC have taken a turn to the dark-side, in tone and visuals (try as hard as you might to claim that Man of Steel was not a €˜dark€™ film, but it ended with Superman snapping someone€™s neck and had the colour palette of Schindler€™s List) and it is Batman who will be most comfortable in this bold, new world. Make this man a cold, calculating and cruel bastard and you will make him that much more intimidating and believable in a bout against a super-powered foe. Batman€™s always been a hard man and it€™s time to embrace this facet of the character with open arms.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.