12 Things Warner Bros Want You To Forget About Batman Movies

7. The Joker Killed Batman's Parents (Batman)

A shocking creative decision that left Batman fanboys the world over outraged, 1989's Batman threw in the wildly unnecessary twist that The Joker was in fact the man who murdered Bruce's parents in cold blood. Why Warner Want You To Forget It's a textbook example of filmmakers and a studio not giving the source material the adequate respect it deserves, instead mutating it needlessly in order to make Batman and The Joker's feud seem that much more personal and dramatic. It was already plenty dramatic without this alteration, and even with the Joel Schumacher movies being as cringe-worthy as they are, serves as one of the more embarrassing reminders of just how little serious regard was shown to comic books before the post-X-Men movie renaissance. Hollywood screenwriters thought they knew better... Warner have certainly compensated for their lapses in judgement since, but with the Batman-Joker feud about to be re-ignited once again, they'll want to keep this nonsensical reveal far away from the hardcore crowd (not that they would dare try it again).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.