12 Things Warner Bros Want You To Forget About Batman Movies

6. All Those Campy Performances

The Batman movies are full of campy performances, be it the hilarity of the 1966 Adam West-starring one, or Jack Nicholson's off-the-wall turn as The Joker, Danny DeVito's outrageous Penguin, Jim Carrey's wild Riddler or Tommy Lee Jones' inappropriately cartoonish Two-Face. That's without even mentioning the worst offenders, though: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr. Freeze and Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy from Batman and Robin. Why Warner Want You To Forget Campy superhero movies are for the most part now dead, effectively killed by the success of Christopher Nolan's dark Batman reboot, which told Hollywood that seriousness and gritty, muted visuals are what audiences want today. As such, Warner would prefer that audiences just put the silliness of previous Batman movies to the background. Yes, there's a good chance that Leto's Joker is going to be pretty outlandish, but he's likely going to be grounded by the film's dead-serious tone, cementing him more as a deranged lunatic in the real world rather than an actual animated character. And further to the point, Warner are surely going to want to resurrect one or two of these villains over the next decade or so, so they'd prefer memories of "Ice to see you!" to be faded or completely gone by that point.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.