12 Things You Learn Rewatching Ang Lee's Hulk

7. Lou Ferrigno Does Not Wear Appropriate Sized Shirts

Hulk Lou Ferrigno Stan Lee

Every day, Bruce Banner rides to work on his bicycle and says hello to the same two security guards - played by Stan Lee and Hulk veteran Lou Ferrigno. It's a nice little double cameo, but it's horribly distracted by the ridiculous size of Ferrigno's shirt.

Seriously, there's no way he could breathe let alone sit down. Was there some sort of wardrobe budgetary constraint on material?

To be fair, having Ferrigno involved as the voice of Hulk was a great decision that showed the film knew the value of its roots. It also drew a direct line to the fans of the TV show, which would have been a great marketing tool if the movie wasn't so wildly different to the show.

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Ang-Lee Hulk
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