12 Things You Learn Rewatching Ang Lee's Hulk

6. The Hulk-Dogs Are A Terrible, Terrible Thing

Hulk Vs Hulk Dogs
Universal Pictures

When we all look back on the comic book movie genre as a whole, there will be some obvious stand-outs for the best moments. Equally, there will be just as obvious choices for the worst moments and pretty high up that list (also including a dancing Spider-Man and a dancing Mister Fantastic) will be the stupid mutant hulk dogs that David Banner unleashes.

The very idea of them turns Hulk's powers into a frivolous thing, but it really doesn't help that they look like particularly badly designed monsters from the Scooby Doo live action movies. They're not scary, they look like they were designed by a deranged creative committee and they had absolutely no place in this movie.

But then, at least they didn't dance.

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Ang-Lee Hulk
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