12 Things You Learn Rewatching Ang Lee's Hulk

5. The MCU Stole Hulk's Calming Method

Black widow and Hulk

One of the most interesting elements of Hulk's arc in the MCU is his odd relationship with Black Widow, which seems to have blossomed out of their affinity (and the fact that both have "monsters" within them). The romantic element might have been a touch odd, but the fact that Joss Whedon introduced the idea of Widow as being Hulk's comfort blanket was a particularly intriguing one.

It turns out it was also nothing new, as Whedon took the idea directly from this movie (and also partly from the comics), in which Betty Ross calms Hulk down immediately after the awful dogfight simply by turning up. There's no mantra about the sun going down (which was so silly that Taika Waititi lampooned it in Thor: Ragnarok quite joyfully), but there's no missing the similarity in spirit.

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Ang-Lee Hulk
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