12 Things You Learn Rewatching Ang Lee's Hulk

4. David's Villain Origin Makes No Sense

Hulk David Banner
Universal Pictures

There is no real need for the second finale that sees David Banner turn into a cross between Santa Claus and Electro from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 but there are more fundamental problems with the character than the stupidity of that tacked on climax.

For instance, when David tries to recreate the accident in which Bruce was irradiated, it doesn't go to plan and he instead gains the ability to absorb and take on the properties of whatever he touches. This was a hangover of when Absorbing Man was in the script, clearly - there can be no other reason. Because it makes no sense at all.

If David passed on his genetics to Bruce, how the hell does the same experiment affect his own genetics in an entirely different manner? That's not how science works. It's not even how science fiction works!

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Ang-Lee Hulk
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