12 Things You Learn Rewatching GoldenEye

2. The Guantanamo Line Has Aged Horribly

Goldeneye Jack Wade

Though GoldenEye has honestly aged pretty well for the most part, there is one somewhat awkward line that hasn't stood the test of time at all.

At the very end of the movie, Bond and Natalya meet up with CIA vet Jack Wade (Joe Don Baker), who asks them, "Maybe you two would like to finish debriefing each other at Guantanamo, hmm?"

Considering that by the early 2000s Guantanamo was a dirty word with the flagrant human rights abuses that occurred on Guantanamo Bay post-9/11, the suggestion that Bond and Natalya could finish up their shagging in the hellhole is just...weird.

Obviously the line was harmless in its original context, but much like Bond's team-up with the Mujahideen in The Living Daylights, the optics are totally different nowadays. What was once a totally benign line of dialogue is now likely to inspire wincing and awkward giggles. Oh dear.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.