12 Things You Learn Rewatching Skyfall

1. M Is The Ultimate Bond Girl

Skyfall M Death Judi Dench

In Bond girl stakes, Skyfall seems like a pretty tepid affair on the surface of things: Sévérine gets a problematic treatment and has a pretty small role, while Moneypenny doesn't really count (especially as she spends most of the movie behind a desk).

What some might fail to realise, then, is that M is Skyfall's real Bond "girl". Sure, she may not be as young or sexy as most conventional Bond girls, but she's absolutely integral to the movie's narrative and has a decades-old link to the villain, which is surely enough to let her qualify.

After all, it's never been a strict rule that Bond needed to be romantically involved with a woman for her to be a Bond girl - just look at Camille Montes (Olga Kurylenko) in Quantum of Solace - so those underwhelmed by the movie's female quotient might want to look a little closer.

With her mix of intelligence and sass, she's really the ultimate Bond girl, and has stronger character development than almost all of them combined.

What do you think of Skyfall? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.