12 Things You Learn Rewatching You Only Live Twice

9. The Bond Girls Are Totally Forgettable

You Only Live Twice Aki
United Artists

You Only Live Twice's triad of main Bond girls are all intensely disappointing, with not a single one of them proving particularly interesting beyond their obviously appealing physical attributes.

First up is Bond's Japanese sidekick Aki (Akiko Wakabayashi), who while at least resourceful enough to rescue Bond twice, has all the personality of a piece of flat-pack furniture, and when she's randomly killed at the end of act two, nobody (least of all Bond) cares.

Then there's SPECTRE assassin Helga Brandt (Karin Dor), the definition of a wishy-washy, villainous Bond girl who flip-flops so much it's hard to care at all about her allegiance. She prepares to torture Bond, but bangs him instead, and then leaves him to die in a sabotaged airplane literally a minute later, only to be fed to piranhas by Blofeld (Donald Pleasance) for her failure to kill 007.

And finally, we have Bond's "wife" Kissy Suzuki (Mie Hama), who shows up far too late into the movie, getting effectively zero character development and is curiously never even addressed by her credited name. She also spends almost her entire screen time running around in her underwear...because reasons.

While most of the prior Bond films could muster at least one intriguing Bond girl out of their lot, here they're all pretty bad.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.