12 Times Terrible Acting Ruined Potentially Great Movies

9. Valerian & The City Of A Thousand Planets

Valerian City Of A Thousand Planets

Luc Besson's quirky space opera is one of last year's most underrated films, though with such a staggeringly awful performance by Dane DeHaan at its core, it's easy to see why so many had their knives out for it.

Quite why anyone would cast DeHaan to play the cocky, rugged lead of a $200+ million blockbuster remains a baffling mystery, because as talented an actor as he (usually) is, he's blatantly miscast as Major Valerian.

In the comics, Valerian was a square-jawed rogue, but DeHaan lacks the conventional handsomeness or persuasive confidence to make it work. He's far more comfortable playing wiry weirdos, and here his attempt to be a suave bada** - complete with a cheesy dramatic whisper he adopts for the entire movie - is absolutely awful.

It also doesn't help that his romantic chemistry with his decidedly more charismatic co-star, Cara Delevingne, is virtually non-existent.

As stylish and imaginative as the movie otherwise is, DeHaan's try-hard performance is difficult to forgive.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.