12 Trippy Freak Out Film Scenes That Will Melt Your Mind

8. Young Sherlock Holmes

pastries Remember these adorable little fellas? Young Sherlock Holmes is an underrated Eighties gem that blended pioneering special effects with good old-fashioned intrigue. It could also be responsible for turning a generation of children away from patisserie window displays. Having met at boarding school, Holmes (Nicholas Rowe) and Watson (Alan Cox) team up to investigate a series of strange delusions that have already claimed a handful of lives. Given the film's PG rating, this means that the body count is rather kept to a minimum but, on the other hand, it does create the perfect opportunity to shoot everyone up on hallucinogens and watch them freak out. The most memorable example sees Watson pick a cream bun from a shelf, only for it to grow eyes, arms and a disarmingly cute smile. His legs suddenly bound with sausages, Watson falls to the ground, watching in horror as an army of cakes, buns and gingerbread men magically spring from the shelves and pounce upon him. Despite their smiles and giddy little squeaking noises, their intentions are all too sinister: they're forcing him to eat them; gleefully throwing themselves into his open mouth. Of course, this stops him from screaming... Warning: If you're unfamiliar with the link below, please be aware that a pastry hasn't marked the end of innocence so disconcertingly since American Pie.

Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.