12 Unconfirmed (But 100% Happening) Upcoming Movies

11. Wolverine

Wolverine Cyclops Jean Grey
Marvel Comics

It’s safe to say whenever Marvel Studios finally decide who to cast as the next Wolverine, it’s going set off a nuclear reaction among fans. Because let’s be honest, whoever gets selected will have the next to impossible task of succeeding Hugh Jackman’s legendary run.

Still, the show must and we certainly we want it to go on. And while we will be getting Wolverine alongside his illustrious co-workers (more on that later), a solo outing for X-Men icon is also a near guarantee.

In fact, the rumors swirling around the internet right now even seem to suggest he could debuting as an adversary to an already established hero. Colour us intrigued.


After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.