12 Underrated Found-Footage Horror Movies

9. Devil's Pass (2013)

Afflicted movie
Anchor Bay Entertainment UK

The world has countless mysteries, the overwhelming majority of which will never be solved. It's the curse of knowledge to know that you won't always get answers, but that's why movies like this step in to fill the blanks. Does Devil's Pass quench your first for the truth? No, of course not, but it's a great ride nonetheless.

Devil's Pass (originally known as The Dyatlov Pass Incident) is inspired by the real-life mystery of a group of trekkers who were mutilated without explanation. This movie shows a group of students going to the titular location and trying to document their experiences, only to fall victim to the same fate.

The film is plenty of fun and one that you can switch your brain off for. In typical horror schlock fashion, the final reveal is massively over-the-top and outlandish. However, the creativity of the concept and the roundabout way it fits into the movie's narrative makes it a satisfying end to the wild movie.

It seems that the annals of time have forgotten this attempt to bring the infamous mystery to life, and that's a shame, as it's well worth your time.


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