12 Upcoming Comic Book Movie Villains We Can’t Wait To See
7. Orm - Aquaman (2018)
Whats worse than sibling rivalry, am I right? Brothers and sisters at each others throats, arguments over which channel to watch, epic undersea battles to decide which one of you will rule Atlantis wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. Orm is the arch-nemesis and half-brother of frequent nerd punchline Aquaman and is expected to appear in the upcoming movie (under his alias 'Ocean Master'), where Jason Mamoa attempts to legitimise The Aquatic Ace. To dial up this choice from good to awesome, Karl Urban is being slated to play this dastardly role. The exact biological make-up of the ocean dwelling semi-siblings changes from series to series, they have shared a father who is sometimes written as a human and at others a powerful wizard, and most recently a mother who was Queen of Atlantis. Whichever parent they have in common, this would certainly make for the most compelling way to introduce Aquaman into the DC movie universe, a fraternal power struggle concluding with his ascension to the Atlantian throne. Of course, none of this would be any fun if Orm wasn't a real challenge for The Marine Marvel. He is a match for Aquaman in a one-on-one fight and also has the ability to manipulate the world around him using his mind. It also helps his villainous credentials that hes a xenophobic, genocidal maniac who believes that land dwellers are inferior and deserve to be wiped out. Only one hero can save us from such a terrifying fate, unfortunately its the one that talks to fish.
A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen.
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