12 Upcoming Movie Sequels Nobody Asked For

9. The Nut Job 2

Release Date: January 15th, 2016 At least we have two years to try and erase memories of The Nut Job from our collective consciousness, or pray that an apocalyptic catastrophe might wipe us all out before this sequel becomes a reality. The Nut Job opened in US cinemas last month and was savaged by critics, who derided its charmless script and low-rent animation, as well as the fact that, due to it being part-produced in South Korea, it features a cameo from Gangnam Style's Psy. Due to its relatively low budget (for an animated film), a sequel was promptly greenlit shortly after release, despite it presently having grossed just a few million north of its budget. The film's budget was $42.8 million and its current gross is $50.4 million: if it had made $100 million already, then maybe this move would have made sense. With the toxic reviews likely killing off any potential franchise success, I suspect that if this film is really made, it will be a colossal bomb.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.