12 Upcoming Movies That Could Change Things Forever

7. Interstellar Becomes The First Sci-Fi Film To Win Best Picture

Audiences are just a month away from being able to get their hands on Christopher Nolan's insanely ambitious sci-fi film Interstellar, which has already earned overwhelming praise from those who have been lucky enough to see it (just last weekend, Paul Thomas Anderson called it a "beautiful" film). Hopes are high that, like his last original movie, Inception, Interstellar might become one of the few sci-fi films to score a Best Picture nomination, and more to the point, perhaps even run with the ball all the way to the win itself. This would be a major victory for the sci-fi genre, given that it has never once managed to scoop the Best Picture Oscar, and in a year that has no clear front-runner, it's entirely possible that interstellar, with its awards-friendly release date, could sneak in and blow the whole competition wide open. Though Nolan will have to contend with the older quotient of AMPAS voters who typically dislike science fiction, a Best Picture win for Interstellar would be huge, signifying a greater mainstream acceptance of the genre as "serious" filmmaking, and also legitimise Nolan, who is frequently dismissed by snobs as a fanboy filmmaker and little else. If Interstellar is yet another stone-cold masterpiece from the director, that claim will sound even more ridiculous.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.