12 Upcoming Movies Guaranteed To Make A Billion Dollars

8. Star Wars Episode 9

Episode XI

The Film

The third part in the Sequel Trilogy might have to contend with some fan backlash after The Last Jedi (and a slight drop in brand confidence after Solo), but it remains one of the biggest blockbusters coming in 2019.

The story will presumably focus more on Kylo Ren's rising evil, while also returning to the story of Rey's parentage, the Knights Of Ren and the last of the Rebellion's attempts to take out the First Order.


Regardless of the ridiculous threats to boycott it, Episode IX can still count on the enduring power of the Star Wars banner with mainstream audiences (who have far more say in box office returns than the hardcore element). And LucasFilm CAN still count on hardcore fans who need to see every Star Wars film.

It's also not fair to compare Episode IX to the disappointment of Solo - not least because it will actually be marketed ahead of release) - and it will be a major shock if it doesn't outdo The Last Jedi at the box office.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.