12 Upcoming Sci-Fi Movies That Could Be Better Than Star Wars: The Last Jedi

8. Mortal Engines

Mortal Engines

Release Date: December 14

A $100 million Peter Jackson-produced sci-fi adventure movie based on an acclaimed series of novels is certainly worth paying attention to, and while the movie doesn't count a heap of famous faces among its cast (save for Hugo Weaving and Stephen Lang) or boast a name director at the helm, just remember how great District 9 turned out amid similar circumstances under Jackson's supervision.

From the teaser trailer that's been released so far, Mortal Engines looks visually gorgeous (with its steampunk-inspired style), thematically ambitious and distinct enough from the usual glut of tentpole fantasy movies to carve out a fine niche for itself.

If Jackson can help steer director Christian Rivers in the right direction, this could be the start of a bold new sci-fi franchise, especially with three more books left to adapt.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.