12 Ways 2016 Movies Definitely Made You Dumber

8. They Spoon-Fed Us Political Bias

Sausage Party Orgy
TriStar Pictures

We’ve seen it all before: Hollywood takes a political topic, sometimes with a real-life basis and sometimes not, and turns it into a movie that acts as a thinly disguised vehicle for pushing a certain kind of political agenda. Yet we fall for it again and again, and 2016 has been no different.

Michael Bay has claimed that his latest movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, the true-ish story of an American security team defending a US compound in Libya against a terrorist attack, has no political agenda. But the fact that it’s not too vague in its criticism of the actions of the democratic US government’s handling of the real-life events, combined with the fact the movie was marketed specifically to conservative, right-leaning audiences via targeted advertising and selective screenings says otherwise.

Fear not conservative right: we’re not just singling you out as pandered to moviegoers. Hollywood’s dastardly liberal left has done its fair share of not too subtle agenda-pushing in 2016 too. Well-known liberals Jodie Foster and George Clooney teamed up this year in Money Monster, a movie about an irate investor taking the TV finance expert that advised an unwise investment hostage, confirms what all self-respecting left-wingers already knew – big corporations are bad, you guys.

For once, it’d be nice to see Hollywood knock out an unbiased film that pander not to the left or fight but facts and accuracy instead.


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