12 Ways Captain America: Civil War Will Be The Exact Same Movie As Batman V Superman

2. Messy Adaptation Of Focus Comic Book

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DC Comics/Marvel

Batman V Superman is The Dark Knight Returns. Well, kinda. Batman's speech about "The one man who beat you" was used at the movie's announcement and there's an awful lot of Frank Miller iconography present in the film, yet there's a lot that simply isn't, with only really the central fight adapted and everything diverging from or even contradicting the book. Heck, that speech didn't even make the final cut. And then there's the likewise iffy adaptation of The Death Of Superman thrown in for the final third. So Batman V Superman is The Dark Knight Returns if you squint.

Captain America: Civil War is going to be an adaptation of Civil War in much the same way. Although it has the base conflict between Captain America and Iron Man driven by the topic of superhero registration, much of the narrative specifics aren't present. There's going to be no reality TV catalyst, no Thor robot clone, no Punisher appearance, no Spider-Man unmasking (in fact nothing even approaching the identity issue). Certain things will make it through, like a water-y approximation of Prison 42, but for the most part it'll be taking the broad concept and adapting to fit the MCU as is, which is an approach you can hardly argue with.

As such, Civil War: The Movie looks a lot more intimate, with the focus on the relationship between Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. And when there's going to be a lot of explosive action by default, that's probably a good thing.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.