12 Weirdest Pieces Of Movie Merchandise Ever Created

6. Harry Potter Baby Dolls

Watchmen Condom 2

The Harry Potter fandom is huge, so naturally merch pushers have capitalised on that more than receptive market resulting in a massive range of products from collectable action figures and magic wands to more bizarre things like Harry Potter themed condoms and Halloween costumes for dogs.

Amongst the weirder Harry Potter merchandise were a series of lifelike baby dolls – also known as ‘reborn dolls’ – made to look like the franchise’s most popular characters. They’re basically the dictionary definition of uncanny valley but some like baby Harry and baby Ginny are kind of cute, we suppose (if you’re into that kind of thing).

Others, however, are terrifying enough to induce nightmares. Case in point: the baby Voldemort doll complete with deathly pale skin and snake-like eyes. You can dress it up in cute knitted romper suits all you want – that thing is still an abomination.

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